ADA Oasis Hotel

January 1st

Social Time (UTC) Countdown Price Supply
12:00 am
Time (UTC) 12:00 am
Price TBD
Supply TBD

The ADA Oasis Hotel Resort would be a good place to start because you can buy a piece of land there and create your own facilities. For this future planning, we would be aggressively seeking Casino, GameFi, and Workspace collaborators, as well as collaborating with premier 3d architects from all across the metaverse to design for the ADA Oasis Resort. Owning a one-of-a-kind building in a resort is a next-level web3 land project aim! We will definitely plan to float a $AOH$ ico and launch as soon as the AOH is put into the metaverse, since an ecosystem is required.

Mint Price: 50 ADA

Supply: 200